Monday, April 14, 2008

Phytochemistry and Agriculture (Proceedings of the Phytochemical Society of Europe)

Textbook: Phytochemistry and Agriculture (Proceedings of the Phytochemical Society of Europe)


ISBN: 0198577621

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Plants provide a remarkable diversity of useful products such as food, medicines, spices, pesticides, fragrances, and stimulants. For many of these products or their synthetic successors, agriculture and phytochemistry have been critical to their development. The volume brings together noted
authorities on the subject to discuss three topics broadly related to phytochemistry and agriculture: phytochemicals in crop production, adverse effects of phytochemicals, and production of phytochemicals by field crops and tissue culture. Specific topics include new concepts in crop protection,
development of insecticides and tritrophic interactions, toxic substances, and the use and production of tannins, Ginkgo biloba extracts, essential oils, and fats. This book will be welcomed by students and researchers of phytochemistry, plant physiology, biochemistry, and agronomy.

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