Monday, April 14, 2008

Planning and Budgeting for the Agile Enterprise: A driver-based budgeting toolkit

Textbook: Planning and Budgeting for the Agile Enterprise: A driver-based budgeting toolkit

Author: Richard Barrett

ISBN: 0750683279

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Planning and Budgeting is one of the hottest topics in accounting; global spending on budgeting software is booming and is predicted to continue to grow throughout this decade. It's big business.

This book focuses on 'Driver-Based' budgeting (ie using external and internal non-financial drivers to predict live item expenses). The book shows the benefits that Driver-Based Budgeting brings and as such is a 'tool kit for change'. Case studies and worked examples are used throughout to ensure understanding, as well as checklists on implementation issues.

Transform the process of implementing new budgeting software with Driver-Based Budgeting
Shows how organisations can slash the time and cost involved in preparing their annual budget
Accountants learn how to manage uncertainty and quickly assess the impact of both internal and external changes

even more textbooks

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